Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Definitely not in the short-term

Will I ever accept that I need to slow down a bit, and not try to be doing everything all at the same time?
This may be something about age, but I suspect it is more about organizing my time in a less frenetic manner, so that when I start something, I allow myself to finish it before I go careering off on some new project.
With that in mind, regretfully, I am deciding to leave this idea on the long finger. In summer 2011, I will have a better idea of whether this is for 2012, or even for the following year. Wonder, will I stick to my resolve. After all, when I said I would go to art college when I was seventy - I more or less stuck to that resolve. I need to keep remembering this when I am tempted to dive madly into the future.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Faith Festival
I first thought about this more than two years ago, but at that time there was no way i could follow through on it because of my involvement with my studies.
Now I don't have that excuse, yet here I am more than two months out of college, and I haven't done a thing so far.
What I want to do is to have a gather of anyone in the Tallaght area who has a belief system (a believer) to gather together and make a brief sharing comprising of something like
  • 1 minute to say what their BELIEF is about
  • 1 minute to say how their belief helps them day to day
  • 1 minute to sing a verse or so of their favourite song or chant.
I would love to hear this, but I think other people might like to do so also.
The event might or might not be part of the usual UNITY celebrations in January
Hopefully it would end with a united prayer for peace between believers, followed by chatting together over a cup of tea.
The art part of it would be a video of some sort, possibly based on the 3-minute sharing, and also on interviews before the event.

Can be done NOW?
No reason why not. I don't see it as costing money, nor even a lot of organization since each group would only have to produce 3 mins of material.
The video production would be the most complex part

All I need to do NOW (Sept 2 2010) is to GET GOING - if only I didn't have so many other irons in the fire!
  • Write a PROPOSAL description
  • Plan some kind of TIMEFRAME
  • Identify MATERIALS and EQUIPMENT needed
  • Apply for funding if required
Preliminary RESEARCH
Has this kind of thing been done before?
Who has done something like this?

This image is from this website
Locate examples/images of similary work
Write up research
Plan some kind of TIMEFRAME
How long might it take to get funding
How long might preparations take

Identify MATERIALS and EQUIPMENT needed

Apply for FUNDING if required

Can be done within next SIX WEEKS, but can't be done immediately

Can be done within next THREE OR FOUR MONTHS, but can't be done within next six weeks
Has to wait more LONG TERM - no definite date.
Organize VENUE
Contact participants
Information session

Packing up
Cleaning up
Paying up
Thanks notes
De-brief session